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BVI-CFR Event 2015

Challenges in Asset Managent

This event, organised by the CFR and the BVI, took place in Frankfurt on December 14th, 2015 from 12.00 am to 1.30 pm.
In the course of the seminar, CFR researchers presented their findings from research projects. This seminar was intended for executive board members and managers of member companies of the BVI.

11.30Registration of participiants
Wolfgang Raab, BVI
12.10CFR - Forschung im Bereich Asset Management
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf, Universität zu Köln
12.15Sollten Fondsgesellschaften Informationsflüsse zwischen Mitarbeitern beschleunigen?
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf, Universität zu Köln
12.40Wie wertvoll ist ein effizientes Trading Desk für den Erfolg von Fondsfamilien?
Laura Dahm, Universität zu Köln
13.25Low Beta Strategien
Prof. Dr. Olaf Korn, Universität Göttingen
14.00End of presentations and discussion

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Sponsors CFR Assistant Professorship Sustainable Finance

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