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BVI-CFR Event 2010

Asset Management Challenges

This event, organised by the CFR and the BVI, took place on December 7th 2010 in the Hotel Hilton in Frankfurt.
In the course of the seminar, CFR researchers presented their findings from research projects. Participants of this seminar were executive board members and managers of member companies of the BVI. The event was held in German.

Event location:
Hilton Frankfurt
Hochstraße 4
60313 Frankfurt
Tel. 069 / 13380-0

4.00 pmRegistration of participants
4.30 pmIntroduction
4.40 pmCFR - Forschung im Bereich Asset Management
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf (Universität zu Köln)
4.50 pmManagereinsatz in Fondsgesellschaften
Jun.-Prof.Dr. Monika Trapp (Universität zu Köln)
5.15 pmDer Einfluss von Buy-Side Empfehlungen auf die Transaktionen von Aktien-Investmentfonds
Dr. Patrick Herbst (University of Stirling)
5.40 pmLässt sich vorhersagen, welche Handelsempfehlungen profitabel sind?
Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess (Universität zu Köln)
6.05 pmPreismanipulation durch Hedgefonds
Alexander Pütz (Universität zu Köln)
6.30 pmSnack and discussion with speaker
7.30 pmEnd of the event

Sponsoring Members      

Institutional Members

Sponsors CFR Assistant Professorship Sustainable Finance

We would especially like to thank the sponsors whose donations made it possible to establish the Assistant Professorship for Sustainable Finance at the University of Cologne: | © 2004-2025 | webmaster